Each piece of Ôkami jewelry is crafted in 18-carat gold, set with laboratory-grade diamonds and, in some cases, with gemstones. Our partner craftsmen, with their recognized expertise, have created your jewel with the utmost care, even though it remains a delicate creation.
We are writing these few lines because, with a few simple gestures and a little daily thought, you can preserve the brilliance and longevity of your little jewel.
As we use solid gold, there's no risk of color fading. However, remember that gold is a soft material that can be marked by impact or scratched by abrasive materials. Over time, small particles of dirt will settle in the interstices of the setting, diminishing the brilliance of the stones.

A little care
Ideally and for a true mark of love 😊 towards your jewel, we advise you to take your precious ( some will see it as a nod to a movie trilogy ) to a professional for an ultrasonic cleaning to remove the small particles that would have become embedded. If necessary, the latter may offer you a little polishing accompanied by a gold flashing and he may also check the setting. If you are in total trouble, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to offer you our help.
In concrete terms
I remove my jewel to wash my hands, apply a cream or perfume myself. I put it in its little pouch during my sports activities, when I go to the beach or the pool. Why do I do this? Because without meaning to, there is a risk of shock that could mark the gold.

When I'm not wearing it...
When you are not wearing your jewelry, we recommend that you store it in its pouch; alone. Jewelry that touches each other will clash and get damaged. As a reminder, diamonds are extremely hard and will easily scratch a soft material like gold. Ideally, it will find a small place in a jewelry box.

When I'm not
wearing it...
When you are not wearing your jewelry, we recommend that you store it in its pouch; alone. Jewelry that touches each other will clash and get damaged. As a reminder, diamonds are extremely hard and will easily scratch a soft material like gold. Ideally, it will find a small place in a jewelry box.
To restore the shine to your jewelry, you can fill a bowl with warm water and a few drops of mild dish soap. Soak your 18K gold jewelry in the solution for a few minutes. With a very soft bristle brush, scrub gently, then rinse with water. This cleaning will remove micro-dirt and other dust without damaging your jewelry.
If despite this cleaning, you still find it dull, take it to your favorite jeweler or get in touch with us. We wish you a lot of fun with your precious 😊 and may it accompany you for a long time on the paths of your life.