the diary of Ôkami


Ôkami was born from a desire to please and to offer jewelry made in Switzerland but at a reasonable price. Fate, never far away, got involved with a little well-placed kick 😉 which marks the beginning of the adventure. You will understand it very quickly by discovering our brand, behind each creation, there is always a story, a symbol, a hidden side that you will choose to discover or not because our first objective is to make you happy and to give birth to the emotion, the sparkle that will shine in your eyes.

Ôkami, translates as "great goddess" and has its origin in the Japanese mythological story of Amaterasu. The greatest deity of the Shinto religion, this goddess is the one who represents the sun. She is, in the Japanese tradition, the one who brings warmth and light from dawn to dusk. A link on the image opposite will direct you on the site of " " which will offer you a complete information on " Ametarasu, the goddess of the sun ". So for us, in every woman, there is a little bit of this goddess who, from dawn to dusk, brings warmth and comfort from the dawn of our life to its dusk.



A name

Let's continue our exploration. Going further, we have broken Ôkami down into two. First, the "O", which recalls the ENSO circle, a spiritual symbol of great importance. In Buddhism, it is made in a single gesture, in a single exhalation and expresses that moment of creation that links the right mind and the body. And why a circumflex? Originally, Ôkami was written with a horizontal line on the "O". But as a nod to the architecture we love, we transformed it to express the roof of the Ise temple which is dedicated to the goddess. For us, it also evokes the protective hand of the one who gives life and watches over us.

O, the circle of lights

ENSO, literally, the circle in Japanese, symbolizes, among other things, the awakening, the universe or energy. It combines the visible and the invisible but is also emptiness, simplicity and fullness. The ENSO circle is also of particular importance in Buddhist practice.

okami circle

The divine spirit or

The first meaning of the term KAMI is "spirit". By extension and with the use, it is translated today by "god". A kami is a god in Shintoism and there are a number of them in the Japanese pantheon of gods.

The divine spirit or

The first meaning of the term KAMI is "spirit". By extension and with the use, it is translated today by "god". A kami is a god in Shintoism and there are a number of them in the Japanese pantheon of gods.


Kami are numerous in the Shinto religion. The Kojiki lists three hundred of them, but according to some, in reality, they are a myriad. Moreover, Japan has as a nickname "Shindoku", the country of gods. The Shinto "gods" are grouped in 3 levels. There are the creators, those who appeared by themselves. The celestial ones who live in the High Plains of Paradise, they are immortal. The terrestrial ones, who like humans, are mortal and whose most famous Ninigi is the ancestor of all the emperors of Japan. There are many articles about the Japanese Kami. For those who wish to learn more about them, at the end of this article, there are some links to satisfy your curiosity. But it is interesting to remember that Kami, like human beings, have all their qualities and their defects and that they can protect as well as destroy if they are angry.


Throughout your reading, you have been accompanied by two dominant colors and you can imagine, there is also a little story...


Aizome: the traditional Japanese indigo dye. It is a blue that is frequently found in Japanese art, whether it is prints, textiles or porcelain. It is also said that indigo stimulates intuition.


First of all because all our jewelry is made of gold and it is the color of the sun of which the goddess Amaterasu is the incarnation. Gold echoes Kintsugi, a Japanese method of repairing broken porcelain or ceramics by means of gold joints. Kintsugi is part of the Japanese thought of Wabi-Sabi. Wabi refers to the fullness and modesty that one can experience in the face of natural phenomena; Sabi, the sensation felt in the face of things in which one can detect the work of time or men.